
As Salaamu Alykum wr wb!

Welcome to “My Enlightening Deen”

Right now, I am super excited to type whatever comes to my mind. It has been ages since I blogged! Moreover, become an active writer once again. My little brain, which loves to think, reflect, observe, read and learn keeps piling up. When the eyes suddenly sparkle with an idea or a thought, you are ready to share … “Oh when I get home let me pen it down! Oh, before I sleep let me pen it down! Oh let me just pen it down but where did the pen go?” … Before you know it whoosh goes the fleeting expressions out of the brain, which was ready to be inked. So this is the platform for the exciting neurons! *winks*

So Who Am I? Does it even matter to know? Well, we are always quite curious whom we are following/reading. After all this blogger is behind the screen.

So a little bit about myself.

Like you I am a normal functioning human being who has similar ups and downs with similar experiences along with similar added expressions and how we react to it is up the individuals own personality. So, if you think you are partaking the Journey called “Life” alone by baring all the burden and catastrophic happenings! Then you are totally wrong! Like you, many out there have or are going through the same thing. But let me get this straight they still do have ups and have smiles on their faces. It is not necessary to live a happy life or a happy moment you need to go to a Prom Dance or have a friend’s night out and go all crazy etc! Well that is the ideal moment … And that is something I am going to Veto. Today we learn our happiness through what media considers to be so called happiness and honestly, that is uncool! We have forgotten the true meaning of happiness and hence, our coping strategy towards life has become very unhealthy!

Having said this –

I recently got Nikkahed Alhamdulillah, rukhsati is still left! *winks* Currently doing my Masters in Clinical Psychology and time to time take workshops from trainers with reference to my own field and related. I aspire; or rather, I as a therapist am currently taking clients in a clinic set up- an opportunity given by my university department.  While taking clients I wish to be a co-trainer opening up an avenue to people to learn healthy coping strategies in different aspects of their lives. So much so, they do have awareness of themselves and do not need much of psychotherapists. I believe more in PREVENTION as ironic as it may sound I am being trained as a psychotherapist! *smiles*

Besides this, I try to study Deen with renowned scholars in order to understand the Quran, Sunnah and the Shariah. Why this may be a question! We should remember always that being a Muslim is our Identity and we are the last Ummah of Prophet Mohammad ﷺ, we are incomplete without the guidance of Deen. Hence, anything without it is like an empty vessel making the most noise. In addition, often we are in want and in search of peace and serenity, yet that empty feeling keeps coming back! Why is that so? It is because of the missing ingredient – Deen!

Being in Deen does not mean sitting on the Jae-namaz and rotating tasbeehs. Rather Deen means everything from good morals, to values to character to praying to being everything you want but just inside the boundaries of shariah. Some say we feel caged! How can they? Do we not in corporate world live under laws and regulations and bound to follow otherwise we would be thrown out of the field.

Anyway, not writing here to give a lecture. This blog will consist of practical things and how we can still be cool (cool is so slang but really this is not my English essay nor my literature class) under the bounds of shariah Insha’Allah!

We generally like to collect things and come back later usually but we never do with reference to tips – How to be a good mom or a daughter! Or when we have kids we will do this etc! How to surprise your sister! When I grow up I will not do X! Or I won’t forget this point for sure! However, honestly we do forget! Moreover, when the time comes we cannot recall! Talk about so-called Bulls eye! Story of everyone’s life!

Therefore, this place will not just consist of my own writings but a collection of things from different places under relevant topics. Everything will Insha’Allah have the link to resources as to where it has been taken from. Your input and feedback will be appreciated Insha’Allah!

Hope you enjoy reading!

Updated: 16/8/2016