Bhoja plane crash -127 is just not a number

Assalaamualikum wr wb!
Dear readers,
This is an e-mail sent by a dear friend of mine. With her permission I am posting this. When you read it, it  would become self-explanatory. Something personally I didn’t even know . It’s an eye-opener.
Please keep her and me in your duaas.
“127 isn’t just a number.
They weren’t just 127 people. They were 127 life stories. 127 dreams that are never realizing. 127 sons and daughters, husbands and wives, lovers and friends. I don’t know what the cause was, and frankly don’t care that much either.
All I know is that this is a reminder for all of us: Say your I Love Yous and Sorrys today. Forgive the people you’re holding grudges against. Let go with peace and harmony. Stop hatred. Stop being mean. “
Came across the above note while care-free surfing the internet. Thought of sharing a piece of it as a reminder for all of us. 😦
I needed it, cz i am one person who hardly cares whats on the news esp sitting here in KSA, checking the news is the last thing i’d even think to do.
I didnt even know there was a plane crash :0
But giving it a thought.. why am i so careless and living my life SO fearlessly..doing little sins knowingly and unknowingly.
Maybe the list of 127 ppl had our names 😥
One day we all have to return. No matter how long one lives nothing will save him/her from death. And are we ready for it? 😦
No one has immunity against death. No one is too heathy to die, or too young to die or too wealthy to die or too powerful to die or too famous to die.
“Wherever you are, death will find you out. Even if you are in towers built up strong and high.” (al-Nisaa 4:78)
“O you who believe fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in the state of Islam” (al-Imran 3:102)
Plus the loss of JAmia Uloom ul Islamia Darul Uloom Binori Town Karachi’s naazim taaleemaat Hazrat Maulana Atta ur Rehman Sahb and jamia Binoria Site’s Fazil Molana Peer Usman Rasheed, Gulshan e Iqbal Siddeq e Akbar Masjid imam Qari Gul Zaman. 

 A sign of Qiyamah. 😦 loss of ulema, unexpected sudden deaths! and such accidents..

A reminder to me and all of us. To be honest i really didnt pay much heed when i was told about a plane crash.. but for a moment thinking about my death and how much i am prepared gave me goosebumps 😥
Ya Allah Ta’aala keep us in Your hifazat and give us a death when we are in state of good emaan and peace. and You are happy with us. Ameen
and May Allah Ta’aala give Sabr to the families suffering the loss of their beloveds.
Ameen thum-ameen.

2 thoughts on “Bhoja plane crash -127 is just not a number

  1. Bushra G. says:


    It’s extremely sad how we’ve become so immune to all of this now that such news seems more like just numbers.. A scoreboard.. Rather than the loss of our fellows. May Allah forgive us all!

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